Dec 29, 2012
1st Bank Center (Broomfield, Colorado)
Tour Rarity Rank: 11th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. 'Round the Wheel
3 of 3
347 of 407
2. Sometimes a River
4 of 4
46 of 110
3. Yo Sé
2 of 2
53 of 69
4. So Far From Home
4 of 4
8 of 55
5. Born on the Wrong Planet
2 of 2
278 of 311
6. Betray the Dark
2 of 2
23 of 62
7. Close Your Eyes
5 of 5
120 of 200
8. Black Clouds
5 of 5
365 of 560
9. Rollover
7 of 7
191 of 267
10. On the Road
4 of 4
253 of 293
11. Give Me the Love
4 of 4
19 of 46
12. Eye Know Why
4 of 4
50 of 80
13. Jellyfish
5 of 5
238 of 289
14. KashmirTour DebutCover
1 of 1
14 of 32
15. Rivertrance
6 of 6
139 of 213
16. Sirens
> Rollover
5 of 5
71 of 285
17. Time AliveEncoreTour DebutLiberation
1 of 1
3 of 3
18. Roll in My Sweet Baby's ArmsEncoreCover
2 of 2
77 of 116